Monday, March 19, 2007

Ebay attitude

Click here first to see a rather stupid and not very well thought out ebay advertisement. I kind of giggled at it and thought I would ask the seller to clarify a few points for me.

1) Does your ex put out on the first date?
2) Does your ex swing both ways?

I don't think the guy is hot or anything, but in the past I have found some very amusing questions and answers on similar advertisments to this, so I thought I would be a part of the fun.

I received this (rather poorly written) response this morning:

serious questions only thank you very much not appreciated i dont know what he odes on the first date, but i certianly know he does not swing both ways

What the fuck is with the $10 postage as well? Will that get him to Sydney?

I encourage any of you ebay users to ask this newbie seller some SERIOUS questions for this obviously SERIOUS auction.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My questions, all quite understandable....

"Comprise of anything" is fairly amiguous. Could you please clarify? Also would this date be 'dutch' or would the winning bidder be expected to pay for everything. Also a time frame for when the date is supposed to happen would be appreciated. Thanks.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

And an answer! Now I try to not be a spelling and grammer nazi, I make typos too, but really this is quite bad.

"first of all no amiguouty intended,so no need for clarification. THe date would be at a time convenient to both parties but more in relation to the bidee(winner), if you looked at waht you are winning i would say ythe lady pays however it would also have alot to do with how much "the man" sells for! He is no prostitute, so i am certain he would spend alll moneys upon the lady in question, but i wont enter into who pays waht that is to be worked out at the time.

thank yo kimba"

Hrmmmm so the answers to my questions would be...what?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger wwwoof said...

Oh blast ! The ad has been removed! Looks like the date got wind of it! LOL.


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